
▼ 本辞書ok312.com版)に待望の全面改訂新版、 ▼
Words of Wisdom OK312: 英日対照・名言ことわざ辞典++
▲ (ok312.net版)が誕生! 毎日更新、増補中!! ▲


「名言英語学習」体験ツアー: Pick Up! QUOTES E-2-J
Weekly: Jun. 30 / Daily: 32nd

〜確認編〜     ≪芒種(ぼうしゅ)〜夏至(げし)〜六月末日発行≫

■(V)o\o(V) 【LEVEL 1: WORD ORDER】 初級篇、まずは語順整序でチェック!

●JUN. 04 QUOTE: by rules, they would . --Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-92)

●JUN. 11 QUOTE: One a little bit, . --(Ferdinand Victor) Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)

●JUN. 18 QUOTE: In the last analysis it is our conception of death which questions . --Dag Hjalmar Hammarskjöld (1905-61)

●JUN. 25 QUOTE: . If you get a good wife, you will become happy; , you will become a philosopher. --Socrates (469?-399B.C.)


■(V)@\@(V) 【LEVEL 2: FILL-IN】 中級篇、次は空所補充にトライ!!

●04: we teach taste genius by rules, they would be taste genius. --Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-92)

●11: always to a picture a bit, in to finish it. --(Ferdinand Victor) Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863)

●18: In the last it is our of which our answers to all the questions that life to us. --Dag Hjalmar Hammarskjöld (1905-61)

●25: By all marry. If you get a good , you will become ; and if you get a bad , you will become a . -- Socrates (469?-399B.C.)


■(V)x\x(V) 【LEVEL 3: TRANSLATION】 上級篇、英訳/和訳にチャレンジ!!!

●04: Could we teach taste or genius by rules, they would be no longer taste and genius. --Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-92)  →Check!

●11: 絵を仕上げようとすると決まって、その絵の本来持っていた良さが、 僅かではあるが損なわれてしまうものだ。 ―ウジェーヌ・ドラクロワ (1798 -1863)  →Check!

●18: In the last analysis it is our conception of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us. --Dag Hjalmar Hammarskjöld (1905-61)  →Check!

●25: By all means marry. /良い奥さんだったら、幸せになる。悪妻だった ら、あなたは哲学者になる。 ―ソクラテス (469?-399B.C.)  →Check!

(V)o\o(V) フォッ ◆ o(%)○" (V)@\@(V) フォ ◆ (o|o)_+===!! (V)x\x(V) フ…


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Words of Wisdom OK312: 「英⇔日」対照・名言ことわざ辞典

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▼ 本辞書ok312.com版)に待望の全面改訂新版、 ▼
Words of Wisdom OK312: 英日対照・名言ことわざ辞典++
▲ (ok312.net版)が誕生! 毎日更新、増補中!! ▲

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